Cette rubrique fourre-tout offrant des référence
en français et en anglais est continuellement mise à jour.
Sur la sagesse autochtone
- The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World – by Wade Davis ( 🇫🇷 Pour ne pas disparaître: Pourquoi nous avons besoin de la sagesse ancestrale)
- Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World by Tyson Yunkaporta (🇫🇷 Sand talk, tracés sur le sable)
- Of Water and the Spirit: Ritual, Magic, and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman by Malidoma Patrice Somé
- The Healing Wisdom of Africa: Finding Life Purpose Through Nature, Ritual, and Community by Malidoma Patrice Somé
- If Women Rose Rooted: A Journey to Authenticity and Belonging by Sharon Blackie (🇫🇷 Femmes enracinées, femmes qui s’élèvent)
- Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache by Keith H. Basso
- Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community by Pegi Eyers
- The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge by Jeremy Narby (🇫🇷 Le serpent cosmique, l’ADN et les origines du savoir)
- Réveiller les esprits de la Terre by Barbara Glowczewski 🇫🇷
- When the Drummers Were Women: A Spiritual History of Rhythm by Layne Redmond (🇫🇷 La Femme tambour)
Sur l‘avènement du soi-écologique et/ou mythologique
- My Name is Chellis and I’m in Recovery from Western Civilization by Chellis Glendinning
- The Enchanted Life: Unlocking the Magic of the Everyday by Sharon Blackie
- Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy by Joanna Macy (🇫🇷 L’espérance en mouvement )
- Coming Back to Life by Joanna Macy
- Wild Love for the World by Joanna Macy
- Thinking Like a Mountain : Towards a Council of All Beings by John Seed & Joanna Macy
- Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World by Bill Plotkin
- Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche by Bill Plotkin
- Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche by Bill Plotkin
- Femmes qui courent avec les loups – Histoires et mythes de l’archétype de la femme sauvage by Clarissa Pinkola Estés 🇫🇷
- Earth Emotions: New Words for a New World by Glenn A Albrecht (🇫🇷 Les émotions pour la Terre)
- La Sagesse des Ancêtres by Hazel Volk 🇫🇷
Sur la sagesse du Vivant
- The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World by David Abram (🇫🇷 Comment la terre s’est tue: Pour une écologie des sens)
- Animism: Respecting the Living World by Graham Harvey
- Soigner avec l’esprit des plantes – Une voie de guérison spirituelle par Eliot Cowan
- The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben (🇫🇷 La vie secrète des arbres)
Sur notre évolution en tant qu’humains
- Sapiens – Une brève histoire de l’humanité par Yuval Noah Harari
- Ancient Bones by Madelaine Böhme
- Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States by James C. Scott (🇫🇷 Homo Domesticus)
- The Alphabet Versus the Goddess : The Conflict Between Word and Image by Leonard Shlain
- The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible by Charles Eisenstein (🇫🇷 Notre coeur sait qu’un monde plus beau est possible)
- The Ascent of Humanity by Charles Eisenstein
Sur les ancêtres
- Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing by Daniel Foor
- Heal Yourself Unveiling Your Hidden Heritage: Transgenerational Therapy and the Wisdom of the Ages by Tony T. Gaillard
- Aïe, Mes Aïeux! par Anne Ancelin Schützenberger
Sur le chagrin et le deuil
- The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise by Martin Prechtel
- The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work by Grief by Francis Weller
Sur les chocs/traumatismes
- Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine (🇫🇷 Réveiller le tigre – Guérir le traumatisme)
- The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk (🇫🇷 Le corps n’oublie rien)
- My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Mending of Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem
- Loving You Is Hurting Me: A New Approach to Healing Trauma Bonds and Creating Authentic Connection by Laura Copley
Et d’autres…
- This One Wild and Precious Life: A Hopeful Path Forward in a Fractured World by Sarah Wilson
- Les quatre accords toltèques – La voie de la liberté personnelle by Miguel Ruiz 🇫🇷
- La lumière vous va si bien – Comment répondre aux appels de votre âme et nourrir votre splendeur by Rebecca Campbell 🇫🇷
- Reality Unveiled by Ziad Masri
- The Emerald
- For the Wild
- Nordic Animism
- Listening to the Land
- Sounds of SAND
- A New and Ancient Story
- Tout tourne rond sur cette Terre 🇫🇷
- Gang of Witches 🇫🇷
Film d’animations