Ancestral Connection: An Ancient Approach to Modern Healing
Jan 8, 2024

 In many cultures, with the notable exception of our modern Western world, it is natural to maintain a living relationship with one’s ancestors. This practice, far from being shrouded in mysticism, is rooted in relational, animistic, and psychological approaches that seek to integrate dimensions often overlooked in conventional therapeutic support.

By exploring these dimensions, we transcend the confines of recent family dynamics—typically addressed in psychogenealogy (Transgenerational Therapy) or family constellations—and instead engage with the rich, layered history of ancestral lineages. This history carries within it both unhealed wounds and unresolved transmissions, including our own illusion of separation from the rest of the Living World—our natural habitat—an illusion that, with its unprecedented collective and systemic impact, has deeply shaped the course of humanity.

Thousands of generations have preceded us. The unresolved conflicts of our ancestors—whether personal, familial, or systemic—often continue to exert unconscious influence on our present lives, shaping the dynamics we experience today.

Through intentional reconnection with our ancestors and our roots, we open a space for deep transformation, where healing extends beyond the individual and immediate family to touch the broader scope of our ancestral lineages. This holistic process resonates on a deeper, more universal level.

One notable approach is that of Dr. Daniel Foor, which is deeply embedded in a framework of collective healing and liberation. It serves as a complement to traditional therapeutic methods, inviting a richer, more expansive perspective. This structured, yet deeply grounded process invites us to tap into our inner wisdom, intuition, and perceptive abilities, allowing us to integrate an often-ignored or long-forgotten relational dimension—the ancestral dimension—that holds great potential for healing.

Far from being a practice “out there” or disconnected, it is a work firmly rooted in the traditions of our ancestors—practices that are not new, but which offer a rich complement to modern therapeutic approaches. And if you think it’s fluffy or irrational, think Quantum Physics.

For more information

My website:
My book The Wisdom of the Ancestors:

Some interviews related to my book in French:

By the FR Ecopsychology Association:
By Dr. Christian Bourit:
By Sylviane Jung:

Excerpt from my book

“Every form of addiction exists to fill a void, a gaping emptiness, a symptom of disconnection from self, our human communities, our roots, and ancestral practices—dimensions that our somatic memory remembers and yearns for.

Altered states of consciousness open gateways to other sources of knowledge, from the infinitesimally small to the infinitely vast. This is a method through which humanity has developed an understanding of the world, the Cosmos, and the human psyche since time immemorial.

Native educator Gregory Cajete points out that, unlike Western science, Indigenous science involves direct experience, where the individual does not merely observe the world, but participates with their entire being”—physically, sensorially, emotionally, and spiritually. It is a worldview that can only be fully lived through constant interconnection with all forms of Life. Thus, it is only natural that altered states of consciousness—innate to our human faculties—are regarded as a technology that supports this very science.

These Indigenous sciences and technologies naturally point toward a form of inclusive psychology, one that stands almost in opposition to our modern anthropocentric perspective, which too often urges us to focus on the self, in isolation from the rest. A self expected to conform to the rigid, often unnatural, standards of our individualistic and consumer-driven society.

While transpersonal psychology, ultimately rooted in the past, has carved an innovative path in the realm of support, Dr. Daniel Foor goes further by introducing us to an animistic psychology. A universal, inclusive psychology that bridges the realms of psychology and spirituality—“integrating and deepening our natural connection to the Earth, spirits, and more-than-human beings as a source of healing and well-being.” His approach offers tools that help identify and address significant relational, psychological, and cultural dynamics, on both individual and collective levels.”

* Gregory Cajete, Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence, Clear Light Publishers, 2016.
* Daniel Foor, Ancestral Medicine, cours : Animist Psychology

La Sagesse des Ancêtres, p.93