Bringing grief and death back to life
collective processes in the quest for cultural renewalGRIef IS A JOURNEY WITH NO DESTINATION
Talking about death is often taboo in the West, despite its integral role in life. Grieving involves experiencing the full range of emotions connected to loss; it is an expression of the love we hold for what we have lost.
Grief rituals
Keep an eye on the events page, as my partner and I occasionally offer grief rituals during our travels. These rituals are rooted in conscious participation and serve as our way to support the community in coming together and connecting. If you are interested in participating in or hosting a community grief ritual, please contact me directly to discuss.

Join us on the last Tuesday of the month at 5pm (AEDT)
Enter your email address to receive login details. Be on time, as the room closes at 5.10pm. Also available in French on the last Sunday of the month.
Free Grief Circles
This is a space to share and listen to each other’s stories and experiences – an opportunity to be seen, heard, and supported in our grieving process and reflections on death.
Beyond the loss of a loved one, our lives are punctuated by ‘little deaths’ – illness, change, separation, childhood memories, grief for the state of the world, and more. All forms of grief and the accompanying range of emotions (sadness, anger, anxiety, apathy, etc.) are welcome in this facilitated gathering.
Discussion unfolds in an open space without agenda, goals, or predefined themes. It is a respectful, caring, confidential, and inclusive environment where all religions, cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, and identities are embraced. There is no intention to guide participants towards outcomes or actions. Please note, however, that this is not a therapy or counseling session.
The concept was developed by Jon Underwood and Sue Barsky Reid in Great Britain, inspired by sociologist Bernard Crettaz from Switzerland. These gatherings, often known as Death Cafes, take place all over the world.